Inventory Replenishment

Based on the ABC Classification settings, current inventory level, and historical usage, the Inventory Replenishment Review process and the Inventory Replenishment Review Transaction Generation chain calculates the recommended reorder quantity and determines if that item can be ordered from a preexisting Master Agreement or if items can be requested from a parent warehouse.  

The Inventory Replenishment (IREP) table is one of the reference tables of the Inventory subsystem used to select items to be ordered for replenishment. Records are added to this table by the Inventory Replenishment Review (IREP Review) batch process and by transactions that belong to the Inventory Replenishment Review (IRR) Transaction Type. Records added by the Inventory Replenishment Review process or IRR transaction can be changed or deleted by the user prior to the execution of the Inventory Replenishment chain process. If the ALLOW_IREP_INS parameter on the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) table is set to Yes, the insert records action is enabled, and a user is allowed to insert records manually on the IREP table. If the ALLOW_IREP_INS parameter on the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) table is set to No, the insert records action is displayed but users are not allowed to insert records manually on the IREP table.

The Inventory Replenishment Review process searches the Inventory table for items that need to be reordered (Available Quantity less than Reorder Level) and places an entry on the Inventory Replenishment (IREP) table.  If a Master agreement exists for the stock item (with Line Type = Item or Catalog), the Master Agreement number and vendor number are added to the IREP table. Otherwise, these fields are left blank.  These fields are display only fields and values entered by the IREP process cannot be updated/changed by the user. The IREP Review process also updates warehouse, stock item, issue unit, description, and reorder quantity fields on the IREP table. Reorder Quantity is the quantity that is requested if the reorder is selected. Warehouse and Stock item fields are display only fields and values entered by the IREP process cannot be updated by the user. Issue unit, description and reorder quantity updated by the IREP process can be changed by the user. However, an overridable error is issued to inform the user that these values are different from the update by the IREP process. Values entered in the fields and changed manually are validated against the respective table. For instance, the Reorder quantity will be validated against the Inventory Maintenance table.

The Inventory Replenishment Review Transaction Generation chain also searches the Inventory table for items that need to be reordered (Available Quantity less than Reorder Level); however, it creates an IRR transaction, which once submitted, adds a record to the IREP table for each line on the Inventory Replenishment tab of the transaction. The same edits issued on IREP are also issued on the IRR transaction, and all fields required on IREP are also required on the IRR transaction.

The Inventory Replenishment chain job uses the IREP table to select records for processing. Based on the information in the IREP table, the Inventory Replenishment chain process creates the required transactions (DO or PO transaction if Master Agreement fields are not null; RQ transaction, if Master Agreement field is null; Requisition (RQ) transaction, if Master Agreement field is null, and Stock Transfer Issue (TI) or Stock Request (SRQ) transaction if the Parent Replenishment flag is checked on the Inventory (INVN) table. To include the record for processing, each individual record on the IREP table needs be selected by setting the Selection Flag to true (selected). The Default value for this flag is false (unselected). When creating a Stock Request transaction, the Inventory Replenishment process will use the Stock Request Transaction field from the Warehouse (WHSE) table to default the Event Type. Regardless of the transaction created, records selected and processed will be purged from the IREP table.