Item Transaction History

The Item Transaction History (ITH) page is a complete record of the Inventory transactions for a Stock Item in which the On-hand quantity is involved, including those transactions where the On-hand quantity was modified to zero. The Warehouse and Stock Item fields are required to perform the search on this page. This page only records changes down to the Item Location level and does not include Commodity Detail information.

In the result grid, the information for each activity against the stock item is displayed. This includes the Transaction Date, Group, UOM, Quantity, and Source, as well as the Source Warehouse, Inventory Storage Location, User who processed the transaction, and Transaction link (when applicable). Some fields are populated based on the type of activity and reveal additional details such as the line number of the transaction on which the activity can be found, IDs and lines of referenced transactions, pick and count information, vendor information, and Inventory Location Change (ILC) information.