Lead Time

The Lead Time Calculation is used to compute projected lead times for requisition processing and vendor response. The two lead times are used to determine how far in advance an order or request should be placed. If an order is placed too far in advance, the stock items will have to be stored in inventory before they are ready for use. This will lead to an increase in inventory costs. Also, if an order is placed too late, the stock items may not arrive on time, thus causing stock outs. The Requisition Processing Lead Time is the amount of time it takes for an item to be ordered once it has been requested. The vendor response lead time is the amount of time it takes between placing an order and receiving the stock items. These figures are computed using historical data of transactions found in the Commodity Journal.

The Lead Time Calculation batch job is primarily run at the end of the month before Reorder Quantity Calculation is run. It calculates the lead time for requisition processing and vendor response based on the dates of the requisition (RQ) and related purchase order (PO) and receiving (RC) transactions. The batch reads the Commodity Journal and calculates the lead time of each stock item based on the specified parameters. The Requisition and Vendor lead time fields are updated on the Inventory Table.

The Lead Time Calculation program will calculate the requisition and vendor lead times for all stock items with procurement activity. It searches the Commodity Journal for RQ, PO, and RC transactions that fall within a specified time frame. The amount of time between the RQ and PO is the Requisition Lead Time, and the amount of time between the PO and RC is the Vendor Lead Time. Once calculated, the lead times will be updated on the Inventory Table.  Also, an Exception Report will be used to show all transactions not selected due to the number of transactions processed being greater than the Number of Alternate Orders field on the Warehouse.

The Requisition and Vendor Lead Times will be calculated for each stock item with a fully referenced RQ or PO found on the Commodity Journal. The same stock item found in different warehouses will have different calculations. If an item has not been requested, ordered, or received in the given time frame, these calculations will not be computed.   

Requisition Lead Time Calculation

Vendor Lead Time Calculation