Payment Requests

Once the Purchase Order is processed and the items have been received, a payment may be requested. A Payment Request can be processed for Inventory transactions as well as non-inventory transactions. However, additional rules apply when a Warehouse value is coded on the referenced Purchase Order transaction.

In order to process Inventory transactions using the Payment Request, users have to enter a valid reference to a Purchase Order (PO) Transaction that ordered a warehouse commodity. (The factor that determines if a Procurement transaction is processing an inventory item is when a valid Warehouse code has been entered on the transaction). The following validations will be performed on the PR transactions, when the referencing Purchase Order has the Warehouse entered on the commodity line:

  • Entered Warehouse is valid on the Warehouse Table

  • Entered Warehouse matches the Warehouse entered on the referenced transaction

  • Line Type is Item

When a warehouse commodity is purchased, the Payment Request has two additional edits that differ from normal Payment Request processing (i.e. when a warehouse is not used). First, a Payment Request cannot pay for more than what has been received by the warehouse. Therefore, if the quantity on the PRC exceeds the received quantity on the referenced Purchase Order, than the transaction issues an error. Secondly, because the Purchase Order and Receiver are required to update the On Hand Quantity and Extended Cost of warehouse items, the Payment Request cannot directly reference a Requisition transaction that has a warehouse on the Header of the transaction.

Finally, before a Payment Request transaction is finalized it will verify that the transaction should update the Inventory table by checking if the PR Update Inventory Flag on the System Wide Options (SOPT) table is set to true.  If the flag is true, then the Extended Cost on the Inventory Inquiry table will be updated to show the actual cost paid.  

For more information on the Payment Request (PRC) transaction, please refer to the "PR Transaction Type" topic in the CGI Advantage - Accounts Payable User Guide.