Purchase Requisitions

A request for procurement recognizes the intent to incur an obligation. Purchase Requisitions (RQ) for Inventory transactions may be recorded in the system as memo references, as a true pre encumbrance, or with no accounting impact at all. This decision depends on the Accounting Method that is established for the Warehouse.  

Purchase Requisitions capture descriptive information, such as Commodity Code, Delivery date and suggested Vendors, in addition to the account and item detail information.  Purchase Requisitions can be processed for Inventory transactions as well as non-inventory transactions.

In order to process Inventory transactions using a Purchase Requisition, users have to enter a valid Warehouse on the Requisition (RQ) Transaction header and valid Commodity code and Stock Item suffix on the Commodity Line. The following validations will be performed on the RQ transactions, when the user enters the Warehouse on the header:

  • Entered Warehouse is valid on the Warehouse Table.

  • Entered Commodity code is marked as “Inventory Commodity” on the Commodity Table.

  • Entered Commodity code and Stock Item suffix are valid and Active on the Inventory Table.

  • Entered Commodity code and Stock Item suffix are not to be marked as Parent Stock Item on the Inventory Table.

  • The Unit of Measure entered on the Commodity line must be valid on the Unit of Measure by Vendor and Item (UOMV) table.

  • The Accounting method on the Warehouse and the Accounting method on the Event Type Requirements table for the entered Event Type are the same.

  • The Line Type must be Item.

Once the RQ transaction is finalized, it will update the Currently Requested field on the Inventory Table with the Requested Quantity from the RQ as follows:

  • When the Smaller Unit for the entered stock item is “Purchase,” then the Currently Requested Quantity is updated with the quantity on the RQ transaction divided by the Multiplier entered on the Inventory Table.

  • When the Smaller Unit for the entered stock item is “Issue,” then the Currently Requested Quantity is updated with the quantity on the RQ transaction multiplied by the Multiplier entered on the Inventory Table.

For more information on the Requisition transaction, please refer to the CGI Advantage Procurement User Guide, "Requisition State" topic.