Receivable for Inventory
The Receivable for Inventory (REI) transaction allows you to enter a transaction to record money owed as a result of goods or services provided, overpayment to a vendor, or anticipated receipt of unearned revenue. It results in the generation of an Invoice or Statement to bill customers. Accounting entries made by this page vary, depending upon the event type coded.
The Inventory Receivable Generation Chain Job creates Receivable for Inventory (REI) transactions. The REI transactions reference Stock Issue Confirmation for External Customers (CIE) transactions. REI transactions only update the External Stock Return Issue Cross Reference (SNCIXREF) table on cancellation of the transaction. On cancellations of REI transactions modified by the submission of a Stock Return for External Customers (SNE) transaction, the Invoice ID on the SNCIXREF table is cleared.
Please refer to the "Receivable (RE) Transaction Type" topic in the CGI Advantage Financial - Accounts Receivable User Guide for more information on Receivable transactions.