Warehouse Group
The Warehouse Group (WHSG) page displays Parent and Child Warehouse relationship information. The Warehouse Group (WHSG) page contains both grid (Parent Warehouse, Parent Warehouse Description, Child Warehouse, Child Warehouse Description), as well as scalar views to show these relationships. When a record is highlighted in the grid, the details are displayed in the scalar.
When the Parent Warehouse field on the General Information tab of the Warehouse table is populated, a record is added to the Warehouse Group table to create a Parent/Child Warehouse relationship. Likewise, if the Parent Warehouse field is removed or modified on a Warehouse record, the corresponding record on the Warehouse Group page is deleted/updated. You can transition to the Warehouse table by clicking on the Warehouse link. When you transition back to the Warehouse table, the transition will take you directly to the Parent Warehouse record that was selected on the warehouse group table.