Warehouse Location Structure

The Warehouse Location Structure (WLOCST) page allows you to define all allowable inventory location identification structures for a given Warehouse.  Up to eight levels of identification may be defined for each warehouse location structure. The Location Type 1 through 8 fields provide a pick list to the Warehouse Location Type (WLOCTYP) page, and are automatically filtered to only display values that are valid for the Warehouse selected on WLOCST.

The WLOCST page ensures that the inventory locations are properly defined on the WLOCTYP page.  For example, if you want to ensure that every Inventory Location has the proper Aisle, Rack, Shelf, and Bin designation, then you can set up allowable location structures that ensure that all bins have parent shelves, all shelves have parent racks, and all racks have parent aisles. Similarly, if you choose to simply use Bin locations, then you can set up this table to prevent Bin locations from having a parent location type (that is, only Location Type 1 is populated).