Configurable Inquiry Business View

The Configurable Inquiry Business View (CIBUSVW) reference page is used to create new Business Views by Selecting fields from an existing Advantage Insight BI Model Name and BI Perspective Name.

Field Name

Field Description

BI Model Name

The Advantage Insight reporting catalog (model) name to which the user is connecting for creating inquiries (for example, AP Payment Request, Personnel, Budgeting Reference Data).

BI Perspective Name

The sub-set of a BI catalogmodel in which you are making an inquiry (for example, Commodity Spend Analysis Inquiry and Utility Billing are some of the Perspectives defined under the AP Payment Request model).

Business View

User specified name of Business View.

Minimum Filters Required

This field indicates the minimum number of searchable fields required for the specified Business View. The default value of this field is 1 but any value between 1 and the value configured in the maxSearchFieldsLimit parameter in the config_inquiry.conf file can be entered.

Based on the value entered for this field, the user must select at least that number of searchable fields while creating or saving the inquiry for the specified Business View.

Business View Description

User text defining the purpose and usage of a Business View. This field provides information on why the business view was created.

Selected Fields

Displays a list of selected fields from the Insight based on the BI Model and and BI Perspective name. The Add / Select Fields action on the Create and Edit page provides an option to the user to select and add fields for Business View.

Consideration while Selecting Fields     

  • The Perspective may contain a few technical fields (e.g.for example, fields with “Key” keyword) which are used for the Power BI repot development using the Insight model. These fields shall be ignored while creating a Business View.