Create Configurable Inquiry

This section assumes that Configurable Inquiry Business Views have been created and are ready to use.

  • Inquiry Information – Within the Create Configurable Inquiry wizard page, you first select the Business View and provide a name and description. Select the Continue button to continue to the next step in the wizard.

  • Define Columns – In this step, select columns from the Business View that you want to appear on the inquiry. Using the arrow buttons, users can add or remove columns from the Available Columns panel to the Select Columns panel. It is also possible to change the order of the columns.

  • Site wide default values for the minimum and maximum number of columns are determined by the config_inquiry.conf file. Refer to the “Create a Configurable Inquiry Business View” and “Configuration Setup” topics in the CGI Advantage System Administration Guide for more information.

  • Define Filters – Similar to the define columns step, this step allows you to select columns from the Business View that you want to filter on. Using the arrow buttons, users can add or remove columns from the Available Columns panel to the Select Columns panel. It is also possible to change the order of the columns. The Populate From Selected Columns will evaluate the columns identified in the Define Column step and pre-populate the Select Filters panel. Note, not all columns are filterable.

  • Note that the minimum number of filters per Business View is configured while creating a new Business View record.

  • Site wide default values for the minimum and maximum number of columns are determined by the config_inquiry.conf file. Refer to the “Create a Configurable Inquiry Business View” and “Configuration Setup” topics in the CGI Advantage System Administration Guide for more information.

  • Chart Settings – This is an optional step that allows users to configure a visualization for the Configurable Inquiry. Typically, the X-Axis is set to a dimension/attribute column and the Y-Axis is set to a measure/amount column.

  • Format Settings – The format settings such as the number of decimal places, date format, and currency format are establish here.

  • Preview - After populating all required information, select Save and then select the Execute Inquiry button to transition to the created inquiry. A Configurable Inquiry must be saved, prior to execution.

Refer to the “Created Inquiry” topic for information on using/modifying the created inquiry. A configurable inquiry that is saved can later be modified by opening the inquiry from the My Configurable Inquiries page. On the My Configurable Inquiries page, click the inquiry name hyperlink. Once the inquiry is opened, you can execute, modify and save the inquiry.