Presentation Styles

Opening Mode

When a page opens, there are three choices for the initial presentation. When opening a page after doing a Global Search by Page Code, the mode is controlled by the Application Page Registration (APGS) setting for Initial Mode. When opening from a text search on Global Search, from Primary Navigation, or from a Business Process Landing Page, the mode is controlled by the Initial Page Mode on the Resource Target (RSRCTGT) page. When opening from a Home page Quick Link or from a Related Page choice within the menu of a reference page or inquiry page, the mode is controlled by what is built into the Quick Link or Related Page link. Please see the later section on “Locating & Opening” for more information on the different location points for pages.


For those pages where the analytic feature has been enabled, when the page is opened in Query mode, an Analytical View section will appear after a filter or search has been performed.

Record Presentation

As CGI Advantage is primarily designed in a style known as ‘progressive display’ where users are presented with a limited amount of information initially with the ability to request more details. The structure of data also controls how the information is presented as the more fields invoke different presentation styles. Common terms in progressive display are Bite, Snack, and Meal, where each progresses to show more information.

While there are exceptions, the styles listed above are the primary presentations for reference data and inquiry pages.

The simplest presentation style is just a grid (or table) of records where all fields are displayed as columns and new records can be inserted directly and updates to existing ones can be done directly in the grid, given adequate security. This style is not the most prevalent.

Sample 1: Disbursement Priority (DISP)

Sample 2: Marginal Tax Rates (DEDX)

The next record presentation style is where reference data is not structured but the number of elements on a single record is so large that the snack view cannot present all of the information.

Sample: Object (OBJ)

The next record presentation style is where inquiry data is not structured, but the amount of elements on a single record is so large that the snack view was skipped and instead, a meal view is presented.

Sample: Accounting Journal (JACTG)

When data is structured (parent and child records) or multiple pages of similar information are pulled together, the presentation style changes.

Sample 1: Special Accounts (SPEC)

Sample 2: Matching Status (MATA)

Sample 3: Employee Profile Management (EPM)