Transaction Processing
Transaction processing pages are updated automatically by the system when information is added, changed, or deleted with a transaction. Direct updates by and large are not allowed by users to these pages. A select few will have the abilities for a user to update a record, but never to add or delete records.
As a rule, the processing of a transaction will update at least one page with information from that transaction. All transactions created or loaded into the application update the Transaction Catalog. All transactions processed to a Transaction Phase of Pending will update the Worklist page. The subsequent application of approvals to the pending transaction will update the Approval Log page. All transactions processed to a Transaction Phase of Final will update the Transaction History Query page. Depending on the transaction type and information on the transaction, updates can then happen to a variety of other pages.
Documentation in the many other users' guides will point out what pages are updated from transaction processing in different areas of the application. Please see those guides for more information on this type of page data.