Add Vendor Quotes
If you received additional quotes from vendors, by phone for example, this page allows you to add the pricing information in order to compare it with other items in your Shopping Cart. Vendor contact information is also entered here and carried over to the Comparison tab on the UR transaction.
To add a quote from a vendor, select the Add Quote button. Populate all required fields (as indicated by a red asterisk) and any additional fields for the vendor’s quote. The Undo button reverts any changes that you have made to any fields on the Shopping Cart page (if the Update button has not been selected since making the changes). Select the Update button to save any changes that you make.
If you want the vendor’s quote to appear in your Shopping Cart so you can compare the prices with those you have added from the Shopper page, then select the Add to Shopping Cart check box in the grid for the record, and then select the Update button. If you do not add the quote to the Shopping Cart, then the quote will still appear on the Comparison tab of the generated UR transaction. The quote will remain on the Add Vendor Quotes page until you have selected the Empty Cart button on the Shopping Cart page, or the Checkout button has been selected on the Checkout page.
If you delete a quote from the Add Vendor Quotes page (that is, select the trash can icon), then the quote is also removed from the Shopping Cart page. The Undo button will not add the quote back to the pages.
Select the Return to Shopping Cart button to return to the Shopping Cart page.