Agreement Catalog Picture Attachment
The Agreement Catalog Picture Attachment table contains all of the pictures (image files) associated with the catalog records. This table can be updated by the Catalog Load Batch job or through manual updates. Please refer to the ”Catalog Load Batch Job” topic for information on how this job updates the Agreement Catalog Picture Attachment table.
In order to perform any update to the Agreement Catalog Picture Attachment table, the Master Agreement’s Phase must be Draft. If the MA’s Phase is not Draft, then an error will be returned upon performing any action on the Agreement Catalog Picture Attachment table. Note: If the MA’s Phase is Final, items may still be reviewed but not updated.
If a user wants to manually add pictures to this table, then all of the identifying information about the Master Agreement must be provided. The Picture File Name must also be provided. The Picture File Name should match the Picture File Name associated with the catalog record. The Picture File must be saved with one of the following extensions: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, or .gif. After populating the fields in the scalar tab of this table click on the Save link. If the MA transaction’s Phase is Draft, then you can click on the Attachments link. This link transitions you to the Attachments page. From this page you can select the Upload link to transition to the Upload Attachment page. The Attachment File, Description and Attachment Type fields are required to upload a picture file to the Agreement Catalog Picture Attachment table. The picture file selected in the Attachment File field must have an extension of .jpg, .jpeg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, or .gif. The Attachment Type must be Catalog Picture. Click on the Upload link to load the picture to the Agreement Catalog Picture Attachment table.
Note: Only one full-size picture file and one thumbnail picture file is allowed per catalog record.
The Catalog Load Batch Job adds the pictures files to the appropriate Commodity Catalog Line Type on the MA transaction as an attachment.
If an MA transaction is archived then the corresponding catalog records on the Agreement Catalog Picture Attachment table will also be archived. If an MA transaction is restored then the corresponding catalog records will also be restored to Agreement Catalog Picture Attachment. Please refer to the ”Transaction Archiving” topic in the CGI Advantage Financial - Transactions User Guide for more information.