Allow Partial Payments of Award Line on System Options

The Allow Partial Payment of Award Line indicator (if selected) controls whether the Matching process should generate a payment request for a matched award line that has been fully invoiced, that is, controls whether a payment can be made when the Invoiced amount has not final referenced the Order. Control of this feature is done on a year to year basis on the Expense section of the System Options table. The indicator value, if selected, is inferred for display to the Allow Partial Payment indicator on the Header of the Master Agreement and Invoice transactions.

  • If the Allow Partial Payment of Award Line indicator is set to true and Ordered Quantity of 12; Received Quantity of 2 (Partial); Invoiced Quantity of 2 (Partial), the Matching Transaction job generates PRM for a Quantity of 2.  

  • If the Allow Partial Payment of Award Line indicator is set to false and Ordered Quantity of 12; Received Quantity of 2 (Partial); Invoiced Quantity of 2 (Partial), then no payment request is generated by the Matching process.