Appendix A: Oracle Database Special Characters and Reserved Words
The Override Advanced Shopper Search Syntax (SHOP_OVERRIDE_ADV_SEARCH_SYNTAX) parameter on the Application Parameters page, when set to True, is used to define the logic used in the Shopper (SHOP) page for the ‘Search For’ search string. For an Oracle database, upon searching, the system captures any instance of an asterisk (*) in the search string and replaces it (in the background) with the % symbol before submitting the query to the database. For example, if you search for *PAPER*, the system submits the query as %PAPER%. In addition, the system looks at the Shop Search Characters to Escape (SHOP_SEARCH_ESCAPE_CHARS) parameter to identify the characters that should be escaped in the search string. For example, if you enter a value of “!%$-&”, the system will escape all five characters, !, %, $, -, &. The system inserts a backslash (\) character in front of any character listed in SHOP_SEARCH_ESCAPE_CHARS parameter which is found in the SHOP ‘Search For’ search string. For example, if you search for TEST-DOC-MA, the system submits the query as TEST\-DOC\-MA.
Sources | |
Reserved Word |
Reserved Character |
Operator |
Expanded Information |
(none) |
to search for transactions that are about soccer: 'about(soccer)' |
, |
Accumulate |
to search for at least one occurrence of the query terms with assigned weights for relevancy |
& |
And |
to search for at least one occurrence of each of the query terms |
BT |
(none) |
Broader Term |
to expand a query to include the term defined in the thesaurus as a broader term for term |
(none) |
Broader Term Generic |
to expand a query to include all terms defined in the thesaurus as broader generic terms for term |
(none) |
Broader Term Instance |
to expand a query to include all the terms defined in the thesaurus as broader instance terms for term |
(none) |
Broader Term Partitive |
to expand a query to include all the terms defined in the thesaurus as broader partitive terms for term |
= |
Equivalence |
to specify an acceptable substitution for a word in a query |
? |
fuzzy |
to expand queries to include words that are spelled similarly to the specified term |
(none) |
{} |
escape characters (multiple) |
to escape a string of characters or symbols such that everything inside a set of braces is part of the escape sequence; escaping a single character causes the escaped character to become a separate token in the query; use }} to include the close brace in the expression |
(none) |
\ |
escape character single |
to escape a single character or symbol such that only the character immediately following the backslash is escaped; use \\ to indicate the backslash character |
(none) |
() |
grouping characters |
to group terms and operators found between the characters |
(none) |
[] |
grouping characters |
to group terms and operators found between the characters but to prevent penetrations for the expansion operators (fuzzy, soundex, and stem) |
(none) |
to find all XML transactions that contain a specified section path; index must be created with the PATH_SECTION_GROUP for the operator to work. |
(none) |
to do path searching in XML transactions; index must be created with the PATH_SECTION_GROUP for the operator to work. |
- |
to search for transactions that contain one query term such that the presence of a second query term causes a lower search rank |
; |
to return a search score based on the proximity of two or more query items; higher scores result from query items that are physically closer together |
~ |
to search for transactions that contain one query and not another |
NT |
(none) |
Narrower Term |
to expand a query to include all the lower level terms defined in the thesaurus as narrower terms for term |
(none) |
Narrower Term Generic |
to expand a query to include all the lower level terms defined in the thesaurus as narrower generic terms for term |
(none) |
Narrower Term Instance |
to expand a query to include all the lower level terms defined in the thesaurus as narrower instance terms for term |
(none) |
Narrower Term Partitive |
to expand a query to include all the lower level terms defined in the thesaurus as narrower partitive terms for term |
OR |
| |
OR |
to search for transactions that contain at least one occurrence of any of the query items |
PT |
(none) |
Preferred Term |
to replace a term in a query with the preferred term that has been defined in a thesaurus for the term |
RT |
(none) |
Related Term |
to expand a query to include all related terms that have been defined in a thesaurus for the term |
(none) |
$ |
stem |
to search for terms that have the same linguistic root as the query term |
(none) |
! |
soundex |
to expand queries to include words that have similar sounds |
(none) |
Stored Query Expression |
to call a stored query expression created with the CTX_QUERY.STORE_SQE procedure |
(none) |
Synonym |
to expand a query to include all the terms that have been defined in a thesaurus as synonyms for the specified term |
(none) |
> |
threshold |
at the expression level to eliminate transactions in the result set that search score below a threshold number; at the query term level to select a transaction based on how a term scores in the transaction |
TR |
(none) |
Translation Term |
to expand a query to include all defined foreign language equivalent terms |
(none) |
Translation Term Synonym |
to expand a query to include all the defined foreign equivalents of the query term, the synonyms of query term, and the foreign equivalents of the synonyms |
TT |
(none) |
Top Term |
to replace a term in a query with the top term that has been defined for the term in the standard hierarchy (BT, BT) in a thesaurus |
(none) |
* |
weight |
to multiply the search score by a given factor for a query item |
(none) |
% |
wildcard character (multiple) |
to specify that any characters can appear in multiple positions represented by the wildcard |
(none) |
_ |
wildcard character (single) |
to specify a single position in which any character can occur |
(none) |
to narrow a query down into transaction tabs (zone tabs, field tabs, attributes tabs, sentence tabs, or paragraph tabs)0 |
There are different groups of precedence orders. |
Precedence order #1 (operators) |
EQUIV (=) |
NEAR (;) |
weight (*), threshold (>) |
MINUS (-) |
NOT (~) |
AND (&) |
OR (|) |
ACCUM (,) |
Precedence order #2 (operators and characters) |
Wildcard Characters |
stem ($) |
Fuzzy |
soundex (!) |
Precedence order #3 (other operators) |
no sense of precedence |
Precedence can be altered by using the grouping characters: (, ), [, and ]. |
w1 & w2 | w3 as opposed to w1 & (w2 | w3) |