Business Area Overview
Advantage Procurement supports a full range of users: from the casual user to the procurement expert. It does this by offering the ability to request goods or services at different levels. The simplest request guides you through a series of Web-based searches, offering options. You simply select what you want to purchase and then provide some minimal but mandatory information required to complete the request (for example, funding code, quantity). At the expert level, you enter data into form-like transactions with which you are already familiar. As an expert user, you have many more options from which to select, but activities are still monitored by the system. You also have the ability to choose one level of expertise and then to switch to another if you so choose.
CGI Advantage Procurement is complemented by a Web-based vendor self-service component. This component allows vendors to register, identify the commodities/services that the company provides, scan for opportunities, and respond to solicitations using the Web. Once a vendor registers and is qualified, they can receive automated emails notifying them of opportunities.