Business Type

The Business Type (BTYP) page allows you to maintain a list of the Business Types that can be selected for a vendor or customer on the Business Type tab of the Vendor/Customer table, Vendor Customer Creation (VCC) transaction or the Vendor Customer Modification transaction. Business Types identify information about the vendor or customer’s operation. Business Types may be used to identify the type of ownership for the business (for example, Minority Owned, Woman Owned), or can identify the type of operation (for example, Manufacturer, Retailer).

Buyers can optionally assign a Weight Factor % and Dollar Cap $ to each Business Type record. The percentage entered in the Weight Factor % field is applied to the associated Business Type record and is used to calculate the adjusted bid price on the Evaluation transaction. The Dollar Cap $ allows you to specify the maximum dollar cap amount that will be used to calculate the adjusted bid price on Evaluation transactions.