Buyer Logic
There are two methods of Buyer assignment on the Procurement transactions: Standard and Workload Assignment. This is controlled by the BUYR_ASSIGNMENT_LOGIC parameter on the Application Parameter (APPCTRL) table, which can be set as STANDARD or WKLAR.
When the BUYR_ASSIGNMENT LOGIC parameter is set to STANDARD, then the logic is as follows:
Buyers are assigned to a transaction using the commodity code from the first commodity line of the transaction. For every step in the buyer assignment logic detailed below, an additional lookup to the Buyer (BUYR) table is performed to verify that the Buyer ID is active (that is, the Active flag is checked). If the Buyer ID is active then it is used, otherwise the assignment logic moves on to the next step. The following logic is used by all transactions to assign the appropriate buyer or buyer team:
Assign via Universal Requestor Control table using the commodity entry that most closely fits the commodity code.
If the Department field on the URCTRL table is set to ALL, then the transaction will look at the record for the transaction’s department on the Department table. If the Line Amount is greater than the Threshold field on the URCTRL table, then the department's Central Buyer/Buyer Team is assigned. Otherwise, the department's Decentralized Buyer/Buyer Team is assigned.
If the Department field on the URCTRL table is not set to ALL and the Line Amount is greater than the Threshold then the Over Buyer/Buyer Team is assigned. Otherwise, the Under Buyer/Buyer Team is assigned.
If a buyer/buyer team entry does not exist on any of the above tables, the system performs a lookup to the Commodity (COMM) table using the commodity code from the first commodity line and assigns the buyer/buyer team.
If a buyer/buyer team entry does not exist on the Commodity table, then the Requestor's Home Unit’s Central Buyer/Buyer Team is assigned as indicated on the Unit (UNIT) table. The Home Unit for the requestor is set up on the Procurement User (USER) table.
If a Central Buyer/Buyer Team does not exist on the Unit table, then the Requestor's Home Unit’s Decentralized Buyer/Buyer Team is assigned as indicated on the Unit (UNIT) table. The Home Unit for the requestor is set up on the Procurement User (USER) table.
If a buyer/buyer team entry does not exist on the Unit table, then the Requestor's Home Department's Central Buyer/Buyer Team is assigned as indicated on the Department (DEPT) table. The Home Department for the requestor is set up on the Procurement User (USER) table.
If a Central Buyer/Buyer Team does not exist on the Department table, then the Requestor's Home Department's Decentralized Buyer/Buyer Team is assigned as indicated on the Department (DEPT) table. The Home Department for the requestor is set up on the Procurement User (USER) table.
If a Decentralized Buyer/Buyer Team does not exist on the Department table, then the Transaction Creator is assigned if he/she is a valid buyer.
If the Transaction Creator is not a valid buyer, then the transaction is assigned to the Procurement Type's default manager. This manager can re-assign the procurement to a buyer/buyer team or re-assign the procurement to another manager.
When the BUYR_ASSIGNMENT_LOGIC parameter is set to WKLAR, then following logic is used by the Procurement transactions to assign the appropriate buyer or buyer team:
The Workload Assignment Rules table finds the first sequence that applies to the Transaction Code and conditional operators.
If a Workload assignment rule is found, the processor will attempt to assign a Buyer, Buyer Team, or Manager based on the following:
If the rule assignee equals:
Warehouse (This is applicable for the RQ and PO Type transactions only. For the SO and MA type transactions, the logic will directly go to #b Requestor below, it will skip the Warehouse rule assignee as SO and MA do not have Warehouse codes on the transaction.)
If Warehouse is null on the transaction, go to the next Workload assignment rule if applicable or go to STANDARD assignment if not applicable.
If Warehouse is not null on the transaction Header, go to the Warehouse (WHSE) table.
If Warehouse Manager ID and Warehouse Staff Team ID are null, go to the next Workload assignment rule if applicable or go to STANDARD assignment if not applicable.
If Warehouse Manager ID is not null and Warehouse Manager as Workload ID is checked, populate Buyer as Warehouse Manager ID on the transaction header.
If Warehouse Manager ID is not null and Warehouse Manager as Workload ID is not checked, leave Buyer null and populate Manager on the procurement folder for the transaction with the Warehouse Manager ID.
If Warehouse Staff Team ID is not null, populate Team ID as Warehouse Staff Team ID on the transaction header.
If Requestor exists on BUYR, populate the Requestor ID as Buyer.
If Requestor does not exist on BUYR, go to the next Workload assignment rule if applicable or go to STANDARD assignment if not applicable.
If Issuer exists on BUYR, populate the Issuer as Buyer.
If Issuer does not exist on BUYR, go to the next Workload assignment rule if applicable or go to STANDARD assignment if not applicable.
Workload ID
Populate the Workload ID from the Workload Assignment Rules table as Buyer.
Workload Team ID
Populate the Workload Team ID from the Workload Assignment Rules table as Buyer Team or Manager Team.
If no Workload assignment rule is found, the transaction will use the STANDARD Buyer Assignment logic regardless of the Application Parameter setting.
Reset Buyer LogicReset Buyer Logic
If the Manager/Buyer/Buyer Team modifies a transaction after the first Buyer Assignment logic has been applied to the transaction and the buyer assignment logic is different, the system issues a warning that the Buyer/Buyer Team assigned is different than the buyer assignment logic. If the Buyer/Buyer Team needs to be assigned as per new buyer assignment logic due to the change then the buyer must click the Reset Buyer action. Once the action is clicked the new Buyer/Buyer Team is reassigned as per buyer assignment logic.
If the assigned buyer has been changed to inactive on the Buyer (BUYR) page (that is, the Active flag is not checked on the Buyer (BUYR) page) after the Buyer Assignment logic has been applied to the transaction, then the system issues a warning that the Buyer/Buyer Team assigned is different than the buyer assignment logic. The buyer must select the Reset Buyer action, which will automatically assign an active buyer per buyer assignment logic. If the Reset Buyer action is not selected, then the transaction can be submitted to Final with an inactive buyer. In this situation, the manager must re-assign the procurement to an active buyer via the Procurement Management page.