Buysense XML Files
This page allows you to review system generated files used for integrating with the buysense eMall application. All of the files are created within Advantage and are imported into buysense via the batch job utility. This table is system maintained. By selecting (checking) Halt?, you can prevent the selected record from being sent to buysense.
Different type of files created:
Ariba-sol-sta-ABC-XYZ.xml -used to update the buysense request history tab each time the Procurement State completes the next State. ABC = the State Name (for example, Solicitation) and XYZ = the Buysense Request Unique Name (for example, RQ1234).
Ariba-XYZ.xml – used to send the award transaction back to buysense where it is imported and distributed to the vendor for fulfillment. XYZ = the Advantage transaction name (for example, POB15010001).
XYZ.sta – used to tell buysense it has received all components of one transaction.
Department-XYZ.cif - used to send the Master Agreement transaction back to the buysense eMall (for example, 150-MA00001) application as a CIF file so that it can be loaded into buysense as a Catalog.
Attachment-123 – used to send attachments to buysense (for example, 123 = a unique attachment number).