CGI Advantage Financial Reports

The major reports generated from CGI Advantage in the Procurement area are listed alphabetically in the below table. To learn more about the job that generates a specific report, refer to the CGI Advantage - Procurement Run Sheets guide.

Report Name


Transactions Awaiting Archival Report

This report is generated by the Procurement Folder Historical Update job. The report lists the transactions that are linked to the Procurement Folders being marked as historical but are still present in the Transaction Catalog (that is, have not been archived).

Master Agreement Activity Report

This report is generated by the Master Agreement Activity Report job. The report lists the total amount encumbered and expended for all active Master Agreements in a given fiscal year. The report can be generated in 2 modes: Summary (focusing on spending at the Contract and Vendor level), and Detail (focusing on spending at the more granular Commodity Line level).

Procurement Archival Details Report

This report is generated by the Procurement Folder Historical Update Batch job. The report contains the list of all Procurement Folders, and each folder’s child table records, that will be marked as historical (if the job is run in update Mode).

PO Print Registry Report

This report is generated by the PO Batch Print chain job. This reports lists the Purchase Order transactions that were printed by the chain job.

User Home Department updates to Buyer and Manager Table Report

This report is generated by the Update Department on Buyer and Manager Table job. The report displays all the old values and the updated new values for the Department field from the BUYR and MANG tables that are being updated.