Clarification Request

The Clarification Request page is used as a central repository for tracking all clarification requests made on Solicitation Response (SR) transactions. This page is the starting point for when an evaluator requests further clarifications on a submitted SR and tracks the status of the clarification request record all the way through completion. This page can be accessed via the Clarification Request action on the Solicitation Response (SR) transaction, directly via Global Search, or via the Clarification Request link on the Procurement Management page. The ability to insert a record on the CLARQ page is only allowed when this page is accessed via the Clarification Request action on the SR transaction. If this page is accessed via Global Search or via the Clarification Request link on the Procurement Management page, the information on the page is displayed as read only.

The Attachments icon in the grid of each record allows you to add files and supporting transactions to the Clarification Request record. This allows Clarification Attachments to be tracked separately than the attachments added to the SO transaction or the vendor’s SR transaction.