Commodity Based Encumbrance Search
The Commodity Based Encumbrance Search (ENCSRCH) page is used to search for an encumbrance based on vendor and transaction details and to create a Payment Request transaction for all or selected accounting lines.
In the Filters tab of the page, you can select the Apply action to query the transaction catalog for all encumbrance transactions with Transaction Type PO (except for Commodity Based Transaction Lapse (CBDL) transactions) that match the search criteria for exact or wildcard values. Pending and cancelled POs are not displayed in the search results.
In the Create Payment Request tab of the page, when you select the Create Payment Request button, the values entered are validated similar to when a payment transaction is being created using the Copy Forward action on an encumbrance transaction; A draft payment request transaction referencing the selected accounting lines associated with the selected encumbrance transaction is created. You can also select some or all accounting lines displayed on the grid to be paid. On successfully creating the draft payment request transaction, you are navigated to the editable transaction so that you can continue with processing the payment request. Note that similar to the general Copy Forward action, partial and closed accounting lines are processed based on the selected commodity line amounts and not on the selected accounting line amount.
The Select Lines row-level Related Pages link transitions you to the Commodity Based Encumbrance Search – Select Lines page for the selected encumbrance transaction.