
The Commodity tab on the Invoice (IN) transaction is used to record all information pertaining to a particular commodity line of the Vendor’s Invoice such as the quantity and the unit price.

This tab records the reference information for the award transaction. Because this information is at the commodity level it allows the IN to reference more than one award transaction. All commodity information will initially default from the referenced Award transaction; however, this information may be changed to reflect the actual values invoiced by the vendor. In addition, Discount Terms may also be supplied for individual commodity lines.

Freight can be applied to an Invoice in ONLY one way. Freight must be added to the Invoice using a separate Commodity Line. Referencing an Award with an Invoice that has added Freight charges can be done with either a ’Partial’, ’Final’, or ’Memo’ reference. For more information refer to the ”Adding Freight on an Invoice” topic in this user guide.

Procurement Folder Logic

Invoice-Electronic Rules

Required/Conditionally Required Fields

Tax Adjustments

This tab contains the following actions/links:

Page-Level Actions

Tab-Level actions/links