
The Commodity tab on the Purchase Order (PO) transaction provides the commodities that the selected vendor is providing. Retainage and tolerances can be established on the commodity line, if desired. Freight can be applied to an Award transaction as either a separate Commodity Line or it can be built into the Unit Price of each Commodity Line on the Award. For more information refer to the ”Adding Freight on an Award” topic in this user guide.

When establishing retainage, it is important not to create any gaps unintentionally when using more than one range. If using dollar amounts, gaps are very apparent. However, when using percentage, it is easy to create a gap by mistake. For example: if range 1 is from 0% to 30%, then when defining range 2 the starting percentage should be 30.01% and not 31%.

Required/Conditionally Required Fields

”Price” fields on DO's

Closed/Referenced Quantity Fields