Commodity T&C

The Commodity T & C tab on the Solicitation transaction allows a buyer to choose individual terms and conditions from the Terms and Conditions (TRMC) library or add new ones by free form. Terms and Conditions can also be added to this tab after the Load T & C Commodity action is selected and a template is specified in the T & C Template field on the Templates section on the Commodity tab. Terms and Conditions can be automatically updated in this tab when the Refresh T and C action is selected.

Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields

The Commodity T & C tab does not contain any required fields to submit the RFP transaction to Final.  However, if a line is inserted on this tab, or the Require Terms and Conditions Template check box is selected on the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table then the following fields are required:

  • Term/Condition

  • Name

  • Detail

Refer to the "SO Transaction Type" topic for information on the Inactive Line functionality.

If the Enforce Transaction Department Validation field on the Transaction Control (DCTRL) page is selected, the values entered in the following field are validated against the Transaction Department to verify that the value entered is authorized for that specific Transaction Department:

  • T & C Template

Special note on Terms and ConditionsSpecial note on Terms and Conditions