Common Terminology


A Milestone serves as a roadmap to the successful completion of a procurement and a measure of buyer/team performance.  A State is deemed completed when all required Milestones have been marked as completed.

Procurement FolderProcurement Folder

The Procurement Folder provides a single point for tracking, assignment, and reporting during the life cycle of the procurement.

Procurement StateProcurement State

The purpose of a ”State” is to organize the events and actions, which occur during a procurement, as well as manage the ”Transaction” components.

Procurement TitleProcurement Title

The Procurement Title displays a text description of each Procurement ID. The Procurement Title is inferred from the Transaction Description field from the first transaction in a Procurement Chain that is used to create the Procurement ID.

Procurement TypeProcurement Type

The Procurement Type is configured to contain the States, Transactions and Milestones that should be used for a specific type of procurement.

Service Date EditingService Date Editing

The Invoice (IN) transaction type has a feature available to edit service dates against the service dates of the referenced Purchase Order. Please refer to the Transaction Control topic in the Financial Administration User Guide for more information on this feature.

Vendor Preference LevelVendor Preference Level

Records returned based on searches on the Shopper (SHOP) page are first returned based on relevancy, and then by Vendor Preference Level. A lower number indicates a higher preference.  This ensures that vendors with a preferred item appear higher in the search results.  A Vendor Preference Level can be assigned to a Vendor on the Vendor/Customer table.  Upon saving a Master Agreement, if a valid Vendor/Customer code exists, and the Vendor Preference Level is blank, the system will infer the Vendor Preference Level field value from the Vendor Customer record on the Vendor/Customer table.  If the value on Vendor/Customer is blank, then a default value of 99 in inferred.  This value can be changed on the Vendor/Customer tab of the MA transaction.  This value is also inferred into the Vendor Preference Level fields on the Commodity tab.  The Vendor Preference Level fields on the Commodity lines can also be changed, so that different preference levels can apply to different portions of the catalog.


Workload refers to all the procurements that a person is currently assigned to work on.