Contract Alert Reporting Database
The Contractor Alert Reporting Database (CARD) page is an optional page used to store information about contractors' prior work history during the solicitation process for new contracts or renewals and to alert departments of existing contractors that had prior well-documented significant contract compliance issues so that appropriate levels of monitoring can be implemented. The page allows users to enter information on contractors with contract compliance issues and audits.
The Contractor Alert Reporting Database (CARD) process is to assist contract managers to:
Evaluate the contractors’ prior County work history during the solicitation process for new contracts or renewals;
Alert departments of existing contractors that had prior well-documented significant contract compliance issues so that appropriate levels of monitoring can be implemented.
The Issues for each Department/Reporting Code/Sub-Reporting Code/Vendor Code combination cover information, such as:
Contract Information
Issues Information
General Information
The Contractor Alert Reporting Database Audits tab captures information on audits for the Department/Reporting Code/Sub-Reporting Code/Vendor Code combination. Additionally, the audits table provides the ability to store attachment files related to each audit.