Department Commodity-Stock Item Inference (DCSI)
The Department Commodity-Stock Item Inference (DCSI) page is used to define standardized Suffix Descriptions for the Inventory Maintenance (INVN) and Department Commodity (DCOMM) records that are linked to a department that is using the Standardize Suffix capability. This feature can be activated on the Warehouse (WHSE) and Purchasing Group (PRGRP) pages by checking the Standardize Suffix check box.
Additionally, for inventory related commodities, the DCSI page is also used to define standard pricing options and to track a Department Unit Cost, a Department Extended Cost, and a Department on Hand quantity for each Stock Item assigned to a department that is using the Standardize Department Pricing option. This capability can be activated by checking the Standardize Dept Pricing check box on the Department (DEPT) page. If either the Standardize Suffix or the Standardize Dept Pricing options are being used, a record must exist on DCSI before any transactions containing the Stock Item or Commodity can be processed.