Electronic Data Interchange UOM Crosswalk
Since EDI allows hundreds of two digit units or basis of measurement (UOM) codes that can be used for EDI transactions, these EDI UOM codes might not align with the UOM codes you use. As a result, it may be necessary to use a crosswalk if your UOM codes are not the same as the ones passed in EDI transactions. The Electronic Data Interchange UOM Crosswalk (UOMC) page allows you to enter these crosswalk records that translate UOM codes to UOM codes you use.
This page simply permits a translation of the UOM code to another code of the equivalent measure and not a recalculation of quantity or unit price. For example, the system translates MR (ASC X12 UOM code for meter) to the Advantage equivalent UOM code for meter, but does not translate a UOM code for meter to an Advantage UOM code for foot while also multiplying quantity by 3.28084 (feet per meter) and unit price by 0.3048 (meters per foot).
Job parameters for the Load EDI Invoices chain job determine if the values on the UOMC crosswalk should be used or if the unit of measure codes in the EDI file should be used directly when processing the EDI file.
Configuration Points:
Unit of Measure Codes must first be set up on the Unit of Measure table.