Historical Vendor Information

The Historical Vendor Information (HVI) page is used to establish and maintain a history of vendor customer code and vendor name information due to vendor mergers, acquisitions and other re-organizations. This page can be accessed from Global Search or by clicking the Historical Vendor Information link on the Vendor/Customer table. When this page is accessed from Vendor/Customer, the records are pre-filtered based on matching the selected vendor record on the Vendor/Customer page to either the Current or Related Vendor Code on the Historical Vendor Information table to display historical vendor information.

Records are not automatically added to this page. You must add a new record on this page and then select a valid code from the Current Vendor Customer pick list.

Note: Changes made on this page are not applied to any other location in Advantage.

The Current Vendor Information link transitions you to the Vendor/Customer table and is filtered based on the value selected in the Current Vendor Customer field. The Related Vendor Information link transitions you to the Vendor/Customer table and is filtered based on the value selected in the Related Vendor Customer field. If not match is found after selecting one of the links, then the Vendor/Customer page is displayed with no records returned. Select Close to return to the Historical Vendor Information page.