IN Transaction

On the Commodity tab of the IN transaction, if the selected Commodity Code is subject to Authorization approval (that is, the Requires Authorization check box is selected on the Commodity table), then the following fields exist: Authorization Number, Authorization Name, Authorization Exception Number, and Authorization Exception Name. These fields are inferred from the referenced award transaction. Additionally, the IN transaction will perform the following validations:

  • If the commodity code requires Authorization approval and is not State-wide or Non-Juris pre-authorized or has expired and the Authorization Number and Authorization Exception Number are blank, the system shall issue an overrideable error message that an Authorization approval code is required.

  • If the Authorization Number is populated, the system shall perform multiple validations to ensure the Authorization Number entered on the PR transaction is valid and is appropriate for the IN transaction’s Department, Unit, Commodity Code, Service Dates and is also active.

  • The Authorization Number cannot be changed from one version to another. However, if the Authorization Number was blank in the previous version, you can populate in the subsequent version.

  • The Service From and Service To dates entered on the transaction should be within the service dates on the Authorization table.