Mandatory Source Functionality
The mandatory source functionality allows you to identify and enforce the use of specific commodities that should be purchased from an established Master Agreement (MA) for specified Departments/Units. The mandatory source functionality applies to transactions of the Requisition (RQ), Purchase Order (PO) and Payment Request (PR) Transactions Type on validate and submit that belong to one of the following Sub Types:
RQ Transaction Type – Transactions that belong to the following Sub Types are included: Standard Requisition (RQS), Non-Accounting Requisition (RQN), and Universal Requestor (UR).
PO Transaction Type - Transactions that belong to the following Sub Types are included: Purchase Order (PO), Contract (CT), Delivery Order (DO), Service Contract (SC), and Purchase Order Buysense (POB).
PR Transaction Type – All transactions that belong to the PR Transaction Type are included if the transaction is not referencing a transaction that belongs to the Purchase Order Transaction Type.
Note: Refer to the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table to determine if your transaction code belongs to one of the above mentioned Sub Types.
The Mandatory Source Master Agreement Lines (MSMALS) inquiry allows you to view each Master Agreement commodity line identified as a mandatory source (that is, the Mandatory Source flag is selected).
Implementation Considerations
Before utilizing the mandatory source functionality, you need to consider your commodity structure when defining Commodity codes that will be used for Mandatory Source ordering down to a detailed enough level that the Mandatory Source edits are meaningful. If you are using a “Structured” commodity code (that is, the Structured Commodity flag is selected on the Commodity table), then the mandatory source functionality is applied for the selected commodity code and all commodities below that level.
Note: If the Structured Commodity check box is selected, then the Class field must have three digits and the Item and Group fields must have two digits. The Detail field provides another seven characters for customizing commodity codes. See examples below.
Assume that you have set up the following “Structured” Commodity Codes: 620, 62000, 6200001, 6200002, 62001, 62002, 62003, 6200301, 62003001001, and 6200321.
Example 1: A Mandatory Source Master Agreement (MA) is created and Commodity Code 62000 is marked as Mandatory Source. Any commodity at that level or below will also be included in the mandatory source functionality, since the commodity is set up as a “Structured” commodity. Therefore, if a user attempts to bypass mandatory source ordering by not referencing the Mandatory Source Master Agreement when selecting commodities 62000, 6200001 or 6200002 using a transaction of the RQ, PO, or PR Transaction Type without referencing the Mandatory Source Master Agreement, the system will issue an overrideable error alerting the Buyer that they are attempting to bypass the Mandatory Source ordering. The overrideable error allows authorized Buyers to bypass the mandatory source selection. Before issuing the error, the system must perform 2 additional validations as listed under the “Additional Edits before issuing the overrideable error” topic below.
Example 2: A Mandatory Source MA is created and Commodity Code 62002 is marked as Mandatory Source. Since none of the other commodity codes are beneath 62002, the mandatory source functionality for that MA will only apply when a user attempts to bypass mandatory source ordering by not referencing the Mandatory Source MA when selecting Commodity Code 62002. Before issuing the error, the system must perform 2 additional validations as listed under the “Additional Edits before issuing the overrideable error” topic below.
Example 3: A Mandatory Source MA is created and Commodity Code 620 is marked as Mandatory Source. The system will apply the mandatory source functionality to ALL commodity codes because they are all below the 620 Commodity Code. Therefore, if a user attempts to bypass mandatory source ordering by not referencing the Mandatory Source MA when selecting commodities 620, 62000, 6200001, 6200002, 62001, 62002, 62003, 6200301, 62003001001, or 6200321, the system will issue an overrideable error that allows authorized Buyers to bypass the mandatory source selection. Before issuing the error, the system must perform 2 additional validations as listed under the “Additional Edits before issuing the overrideable error” topic below.
Additional Edits before issuing the overrideable error:
If purchasing a mandatory source commodity, the system must verify the following edits before issuing the overrideable error that allows authorized Buyers to bypass the mandatory source selection.
The record date of the purchasing transaction is within the MA’s Effective Begin Date and Expiration Date range.
The transaction’s Department/Unit is an authorized Department/Unit as specified on the MA.
If the transaction references a Mandatory Source MA and the current transaction’s department/unit is authorized to order from the MA and the record date on the transaction’s header is within the MA effective dates, then the system will issue no errors.