Performance Evaluation Ranking
The Performance Evaluation Ranking (PERANK) table enables users to configure business process specific vendor performance ranking schemes. The Rank Parameters set for a specific group will be displayed as options in the Rank drop down field on the Criteria tab of the Performance Evaluation (PE) Transaction types.
The PERANK table consists of following fields:
Rank Group ID - The unique identification for the ranking scheme defined by the user. This ID will be used to reference the ranking group on the Procurement Type (PRCUTYP) table.
Rank Group Name - The name for the ranking group defined by the user.
Description - This field describes the nature of the procurement group associated with the ranking group.
Sequence - The unique number assigned to a record that determines the order in which the records are displayed.
Rank Parameter - Assessment rating used and defined by the user.
Rank Score - Score assigned to a Rank Parameter defined by the user.
Comments Required - Flag that indicates whether the Rank Comments text field on the PE Transaction type is required or not. If checked, an error will be issued upon validation if the Rank Comments field is left blank. Otherwise, this field is optional and no error is issued when it is left blank.