Procurement Complexity
This page allows you to configure a list of levels used to rate the complexity of procurements. This is a pre-loaded table in CGI Advantage Procurement. After establishing complexity ratings, you are then able to select a default complexity rating for each Procurement Type on the Procurement Type table.
Configuration Points:
A manager applies a complexity level to a specific procurement. Complexity levels default to "1", which is "standard". Applying complexity levels either increases or decreases the number of days to complete a requirement and the number of days for each milestone for that procurement type.
At a minimum this table must have a complexity rating of 1.00 as Average. (The complexity number is multiplied by the number of required days to finish each milestone within the procurement to calculate the total number of required days. By establishing the average complexity with a rating of 1.00, the total number of days required will exactly equal the total number of days required to complete each milestone.)
Complexity levels provide the manager a method of evaluating buyer/buyer team workloads.
A manager can view a buyer’s performance based on the assigned complexity of the procurement on the Buyer Deadline Performance by Complexity (BDPCX) page. And a manager can view a team’s performance based on the complexity of the procurement on the Team Deadline Performance by Complexity (TDPCX) page.