Procurement Transaction Control
The Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table is used to set options and establish required fields for the Procurement Transactions. This is a pre-loaded table in CGI Advantage Procurement. A Transaction Subtype indicates the programmatic functionality with which the transaction should be associated. For example, the Purchase Order transaction type has three possible subtypes: PO, DO, and SC.
All PO transactions that you want to act like a PO should have a subtype of PO.
All PO transactions that you want to act like a DO should have a subtype of DO.
All PO transactions that you want to act like a SC should have a subtype of SC.
This allows you to identify an unlimited number of PO transactions with a subtype of PO, DO or SC, along with a unique Transaction Code and Transaction Code Name on the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table.
Configuration Points:
Transaction Types must first be set up on the Transaction Type table. Refer to the "Transaction Type" topic in the CGI Advantage - Financial Administration User Guide for more information.
Procurement specific Transaction Subtypes are setup on the Procurement Transaction Sub Type table.
Transaction Subtypes are assigned to Transaction Types on the Transaction Control table.
Select the Grantor check box for transactions that should only allow Commodity Codes with the Grant flag selected on the Commodity page.
Of all the transaction codes in the PO Transaction Type, the CBDL is one that is intended to be system-generated and to process without error. To that end, care should be taken on this page to not set the CBDL (or local clone) up with configurations that will cause it to fail. One such example is not to select the Load T&C by Procurement Type check box as this requires CBDLs to be loaded with accounting lines, which they are not because they automatically generate. In short, the CBDL should be no more restrictive than the Transaction Codes it is used to liquidate nor require user interactions.
Note: It is important that the value of the fields on Procurement Transaction Control in CGI Advantage Financial be in synch with the value of the same field on the Procurement Transaction Control database table in Advantage Vendor Self Service.
Allow Invoice Quantity and Amount for Service Line can be used to retain the value entered by users on the Quantity and Unit of Measure fields at the transaction level.