Schedule of Events

The Schedule of Events tab on the Solicitation transaction allows a buyer to indicate a schedule of events for the Solicitation. This can include the date of a bidder’s conference, due date for questions, solicitation closing date, and so forth.

Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields

The Schedule of Events tab does not contain any required fields to submit the RFP transaction to Final. However, if a line is inserted on this tab, then the following fields are required:

  • Sequence

  • Days

  • Event Code

  • Event Name

  • Event Date

Refer to the "SO Transaction Type" topic for information on the Inactive Line functionality.


You can enter events on this tab in one of the following ways:

  • Manually insert events by selecting from an existing Event Code using the pick list.

  • Manually insert events by entering an ad-hoc Event Code that does not exist.

  • Add events from a pre-defined template by selecting a template from the Schedule of Events field in the Templates section of the Header. You must then click the Load Schedule of Events action on the Header. Clicking this action loads all events associated with the Template ID entered in the Schedule of Events field to the Schedule of Events tab.

The Schedule of Events tab contains the following actions/links:

Page-Level ActionsPage-Level Actions

Refer to the "Transaction Actions" topic in the Transactions User Guide for information on common actions that apply to the entire transaction.

Tab-Level actions/linksTab-Level actions/links