Solicitation Response Detail (SRDET)

The Solicitation Response Detail page allows you to drill down and view specific information for a Solicitation Response (SR) transaction. You can only access this page by selecting the row-level Solicitation Response Details action on the Solicitation Response Summary (SRSUM) page. This page includes all SR transactions tied to a Solicitation transaction. From this page you can view detailed information such as: the vendor/user that submitted the response, the date/time that the response was submitted, and the Bid Response Type. For unsealed bids (Allow Response Viewing Before Close flag is checked on the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) page for the Solicitation Transaction Code), where the result set is gathered from Financial, you can directly access the SR transaction via a link in the Transaction column in the grid. For sealed bids, where the result set is gathered from Vendor Self Service (VSS), a hyperlink is not provided to the SR transaction. (Note: Additional system configuration may be needed for the Solicitation Response Summary (SRSUM) and Solicitation Response Detail (SRDET) pages to show Solicitation Response information pulled from VSS.