Supporting Transactions

The Supporting Transactions tab on the Solicitation allows a buyer to view and attach files relevant to the entire transaction, for example, a Statement of Work or other supporting transactions.

If the Assemble External Terms and Conditions parameter is set to True on the Application Parameters page, then you can choose from all file types; however, if you want to use the attachments in the Assembled Process, you must select files with an Attachment Type of Transaction XML, Image XML or Images(Zipped) XML. You can only select one Transaction XML type file per record; however, you can enter as many rows as required. Images displayed within the word-processing file must be attached separately within a Transaction XML file. You must specify the corresponding image attachments as Image File types on the Upload Attachment page. During the Assembly process, the system will search for the associated image only from attachments that have been identified as Image files. The files are assembled into one PDF transaction when the Assemble Process is initiated. Please refer to the Upload Attachment page help file for more information.

If the Assemble External Terms and Conditions parameter is not set to True, the Supporting Transactions tab acts as a repository to store transactions associated with the transaction. When the Print button is selected on the transaction, the transactions attached to this tab are not printed as part of the print process.