System Options

The System Options table provides a set of characteristics that guide accounting activities for the different functional areas in the application on a yearly basis. Each control or option set on System Options is associated with one or more business rules that drive actions throughout the system. However, those business rules do not exist on System Options. This table is just a collection of flags, rules, and controls that guide processes that read these options and controls.

Records on System Options are unique by fiscal year. A year-end process exists to populate the table with values for a coming year so you do not have to enter them manually unless you choose.

Some features of System Options will resemble those in previous versions of CGI Advantage Financial, while many will be new. Although System Options has one page code that is found through the Global Search feature, you will find the single entry leads actually into different pages for different functional areas. These areas are represented on the left-hand menu of the page for easy navigation: Expense, General, Revenue, and Fixed Assets. Instead of separate page codes for each area, they are consolidated into just one.

Certain System Options options are followed by a flag that will allow overrides. Depending on the option, those overrides can be in one or more places. A centrally controlled application will likely have these flags unchecked so that similar settings in other more decentralized areas will not be used. However, the decision to override options is made on an option by option basis usually resulting in a mix of ones overridden and not. If allowed to override, it does not mean that the control has to be defined at the lower level. Application logic will use the lower level if set and if not, the System Options option will be used. More information on where the overrides can be set is detailed in the listing of controls later in this guide.

This topic only contains the options and controls that affect the Procurement area. Refer to the "System Options" topic in the CGI Advantage - Financial Administration User Guide for information on the other options and controls that appear on System Options.

Expense Controls

General Controls