Transaction Print Action

The Transaction Print Action (PRNACTN) page allows users to specify the Transaction Type, Transaction Code and Print Action that will be used when printing transactions and assembling forms. The following fields are displayed on the page:

Configuration Points:

The Print Action field defines the Print Actions available for the Transaction Type and Transaction Code combination. Valid options are blank and Hide Inactive Print Lines. If Hide Inactive Print Lines is chosen and the Default Value flag is selected, then inactive lines will not be printed (that is, only lines that do not have the Inactive Line flag selected are printed). If Hide Inactive Print Lines is chosen and the Default Value flag is not selected, then active lines and inactive lines are printed. 

For Inactive Procurement Lines functionality, this page can control both how the SO, MA and PO Forms will be printed as well as how these transactions will be assembled:

Special Note: Records are not required on the Transaction Print Action table. If no records are found on this page then forms will be printed and assembled with inactive lines.