Transformation Checklist

Prior to triggering the transformation process, the Vendor or Catalog Administrator should review the CIF File content to ensure that the transformation upload process is successful. If this information is not correct, the transformation process will fail.

CIF Header Information:

  1. Verify CIF version value is equal to ‘CIF 3.0’.

  2. Verify CURRENCY value is equal to ‘USD’.

  3. Verify CHARSET is equal to the following: Advantage Release 4.0 will only support Latin-based Western European character set encodings. This includes Windows-1252 (commonly known as “CP-1252” and indicated by “CHARSET: Cp1252” in the CIF specification), ISO-8859-1 (indicated by “CHARSET: 8859_1” in the CIF specification), and UTF-8 (indicated by “CHARSET: UTF-8” in the CIF specification).

  4. Verify Commodity CODEFORMAT is not equal to ‘NIGP’.

  5. Verify the required CIF FIELDNAMES are populated: Supplier Part ID, Manufacturer Name, Manufacturer Part ID, SPSC Code, Short Name, Item Description, Unit of Measure, Market Price, Lead Time, Supplier ID, Unit Price, and Language.

  6. Verify LOADMODE is equal to ‘F’ (Full) or ‘I’ (Incremental).

Catalog Line-Level:

  1. Verify the ‘Lead Time’ field is not blank or is a positive number. This value is converted to the Delivery Days for each catalog item.

  2. Verify Supplier Part ID is a unique value for each catalog item.

  3. Verify ITEMCOUNT from the Header matches the number of actual line-level catalog records in the file; otherwise, an error is issued.

  4. Verify ‘Language’ value is equal to ‘en_US’.

  5. Verify ‘EFFECTIVE DATE’ or ‘EXPIRATION DATE’ from the line-level records in the CIF file is valid. The “effective” dates entered on the VSS Catalog Upload or Financial Transform Catalog pages must be within the dates associated with the CIF catalog records.

  6. Verify CIF Unit of Measure is valid and matches a record in the Advantage Unit of Measure table.

  7. If ‘PUNCHOUT ENABLED’ in the CIF file is True, then no edits are performed on the CIF Market Price or Unit Price and the system will transform and pass the values “as is” from the CIF File to the Excel Catalog file. If ‘PUNCHOUT ENABLED’ in the CIF file is False, then either the CIF ‘MARKET PRICE’ or ‘UNIT PRICE’ is required, and the system will verify that CIF Market Price and Unit Price have the correct prices.

MARKET PRICE: The existing Advantage catalog logic uses the ‘List Price’ that is associated with the catalog record to calculate the Discounted Unit Price for each catalog record when the catalog records are loaded from the MA Catalog commodity line and MA is submitted to final. The CIF ‘MARKET PRICE’ will be mapped to the Advantage Excel ‘List Price’ and then loaded and displayed to the List Price field on Catalog Maintenance after loading the catalog record from the MA.

UNIT PRICE: The CIF UNIT PRICE is defined as the Customer’s price. The CIF ‘UNIT PRICE’ will be mapped to the Advantage Excel ‘Customer Price’ and then loaded and displayed to the Customer Price field on Catalog Maintenance after loading the catalog record from the MA. Hence, if MARKET PRICE is blank but CIF UNIT PRICE is populated then this price should be used when ordering with Discount @ 0.00%.

  1. Verify that the ‘DELETE’ flag is set to ‘No’ for all catalog items.

  2. If the catalog item specifies a “Picture File Name” and/or a “Thumbnail File Name” file for the line-level catalog item then verify that the picture file names associated with the catalog line are within the .zip file and are of a format supported by Advantage (e.g. JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, and BMP formats).