Update Procurement
The Update Procurement page allows authorized Managers, Buyers, or Procurement Administrators who are assigned to a Procurement Folder, either individually or as part of a team, and are not the Manager of the Procurement Folder, to update the folder without contacting the Manager. This page allows a manager to assign a buyer or a buyer team to a particular procurement to act. The manager can change the Complexity Rating, Procurement Title, and extend the deadline by a specified number of days. The Complexity Rating is set up by default on the Procurement Type table. This page is only accessible via the Update Procurement action on the Procurement Management (PRCUID) page.
Field InformationField Information
Field Name |
Description |
Buyer |
The identification code assigned to the buyer. |
Buyer Team |
The identification code assigned to the buyer team. |
Complexity |
Describes the complexity code that workload managers assign to a procurement. |
Complexity Code |
Allows workload managers to assess and assign a complexity code to a procurement. Each level of complexity has an associated multiple, used to adjust the expected completion date of the procurement. |
Deadline Extension |
The number of days that the deadline has been extended. |
Force Closed |
Allows a manager to force close a procurement that will never be completed. |
Lock Buyer |
The Lock Buyer flag on Procurement Management (PRCUID) is used to control whether or not the Advantage application will automatically derive a buyer for a given Procurement Folder. When the Lock Buyer indicator is checked on PRCUID, the new or modified transactions in the folder will inherit the folder’s assigned buyer. If the Lock Buyer indicator is not checked, the system will use the Advantage buyer assignment logic to derive the appropriate buyer for the folder and for any newly created or modified transaction within the folder. When using the Reset Buyer functionality in Advantage, the Lock Buyer option on PRCUID (when turned on for a folder) will override the user’s ability to reset the Buyer from within the transaction, because this option is seen as a manager override. Only authorized users can check or clear the Lock Buyer flag on the Update Procurement page, accessible via the Update Procurement link on PRCUID. |
Manager |
The user ID of a user designated as a manager. A manager is a user who is responsible for the procurements and workload of other users. |
Procurement Folder |
The unique identification number assigned to this procurement or grant opportunity. The value is system-generated when the procurement or grant opportunity is created. |
Procurement Title |
This field displays a text description of each Procurement Folder ID. |
Procurement Type |
The name of the procurement or grant type. |