Vendor Commodity Maintenance
The Vendor Commodity Maintenance page allows you to search through all vendors that have registered for commodities in Advantage. At a minimum, you must enter a valid value in the Vendor/Customer or Legal Name fields. You can use wildcards in the search fields. Once you have entered your search criteria all matching records are returned in the gird.
To view the assigned commodities for a specific vendor, select the View row-level action. The commodities assigned to the vendor are displayed on the Assigned Commodity Details tab. You can also narrow the list of commodities for a vendor based on Commodity and/or Class.
The Assigned Commodities Details tab allows you to assign commodities to the selected vendor or remove commodities assigned to the selected vendor.
To remove commodities that are assigned to the vendor select the check box next to all commodities that need removed. Next, select the Delete Selected (on this page) link to remove all selected commodities from this vendor.
To assign commodities to the selected vendor, select the Assign Commodities link. This transitions you to the Assign Commodities page. The Assign Commodities page allows you to narrow the search results by entering information in the Commodity or Class fields. You can navigate through the grid by using the First, Prev, Next, and Last links. The vendor can be registered for specific commodity items, general commodity classes or both, depending on the option chosen for the Commodity Code Registration Level field on the System Options table. Select the check box next to all commodities that need assigned to the vendor. Next, select the Assign Selected (on this page) link. A message is returned informing you as to whether the commodity/commodities were successfully added for the vendor. You can continue adding more commodities or you can select the Back button to return to the Vendor Commodity Maintenance page.
Select the line of the vendor of interest and click the Vendor/Customer link to navigate to the Vendor/Customer page. The Vendor/Customer associated with the line chosen on the Vendor Commodity Maintenance page is shown.