Vendor/Customer Modification (VCM) Transaction
A Vendor/Customer Modification (VCM) transaction is used to modify or add to an existing vendor or customer record. This transaction is used to update Vendor Customer table information, Customer Account Options table information, and 1099 Reporting Information table information. This transaction can be sent through workflow and approvals. Changes submitted through this transaction will only apply to a single record.
Examples of when a VCM transaction should be used include the following:
Modifying Organization or EFT/Prenote Information
Adding a new address for an existing Vendor Customer record
Modifying an existing address
Adding a new Customer Account record
Modifying an existing Customer Account record
Modifying a Vendor’s Legal Address or other 1099 information
Adding 1099 Reporting Information for a new Taxpayer ID Number
Modifying an existing record’s Legal Name
Creating an ”active” vendor when an active customer already exists, or vice versa
Adding, updating, or deleting a vendor’s W-8 Form information
The VCM transaction cannot reference any other transaction in Advantage and it cannot be referenced by any other transaction in Advantage. The VCM transaction cannot be copied, and it cannot be modified once it has a Status of Final.
The VCM transaction can be created by selecting the Modify Existing Record action on the Vendor/Customer table or Customer Account Options table. The VCM transaction can also be created from the Transaction Catalog.
When the TIN Enforcement flag is selected on the Vendor Customer Configuration (VCNFG) page, the Taxpayer ID and TIN Type fields are required on this page for all active vendors except the miscellaneous and internal vendors, if the 1099 Classification, 1042-S Ch. 3 Recipient Code, and 1042-S Ch. 4 Status Code fields are left blank.
The Vendor Customer Modification Query allows you to search by either Vendor or transaction-specific information to locate a specific VCM transaction. Links are provided to open the VCM transactions. The Vendor Customer Modification Query can be accessed from Global Search or from the Vendor/Customer table. If the Vendor Customer Modification Query is accessed from Vendor/Customer, then all VCM transactions that have a Vendor/Customer Code matching the Vendor/Customer Code on the selected Vendor/Customer record are displayed.
Additionally, on the Vendor Customer Modification (VCM) transaction, the Commodity Code pick field that contains the Commodity Code information also includes the Extended Description field on the grid section, which displays a maximum of the first 255 characters of the Extended Description for the Commodity.
When the Customer Self Service (CSS) related fields are updated and the CSS Status is Requested, on submitting the VCM transaction, the system automatically generates a Customer User Maintenance (CDOC) transaction. Refer to the “Customer Self Service” topic in the CGI Advantage Accounts Receivable User Guide for information about CSS.