Weighting Factors

The information in the Weighting Factors tab on the Evaluation (EV) transaction is inferred from the Solicitation Response (SR) transaction. The specified Weight Factor % and Dollar Cap $ for the selected Business Type is included when calculating the adjusted bid price for the selected Vendor.

This is an optional tab on the EV transaction; and is inferred from the Solicitation Response transaction. The value in the Weight Factor % field is applied to the vendors who have responded to the Solicitation that have a matching active Business Type on the Vendor/Customer table when the Apply Factors action is selected and the Include check box is selected. The Factor Option % field on the Header tab determines how the information is used to populate the Calculated Factor % field on the Award by Total and Award by Line tabs. Also, the Factor Option % field on the Header cannot be set to blank if a record exists on this tab; otherwise, an error is received when the Apply Factors action is selected.