Application Page Registration
The Application Page Registration page is used to register all pages within the system. All pages must be registered here so that they can be accessed easily and the online help files can be located by the system. Note: The Enterprise Search Lite Indexer job must be run after making changes to existing records on this page in order for the changes to appear as part of the Global Search. The job only selects records from this table that have the Searchable? check box selected. If a new record is added to this page, the Post Container Deployment (also referred as “Post_cd”) process must be run to generate updated PALDB files based on the latest/greatest metadata and system configurations. The Post_cd process also includes the Enterprise Search Lite Indexer job.
Field InformationField Information
Page Code – A unique code that identifies a page in the system. This code can be used when searching by Page Code in the Global Search field.
Category – The sub system such as, Procurement, Accounts Payable, Benefits Administration, and so forth to which the page belongs.
Page Type – Indicates if the page is an Activity Folder, Transaction, Reference Table, Inquiry, Widget, or Pick.
Description – A description for the page. This description is displayed to the user when using Global Search or Advanced Search.
UI Package – The name of the CGI Advantage Studio client application to where the page belongs. For example, the name of the application for the page that displays the Bank page is Accounts_Payable, therefore this is the value entered in this field while setting up the entry for the Bank page.
Application - This is the CGI Advantage application to where the page belongs. A drop-down list of all applications within the system is displayed. The administrator is responsible for selecting the application to where the page belongs. If no application is selected, the page is considered common and is available to all non stand-alone applications.
Dest Page – The name of the Java class for this page. For example, the name of the Java class that displays the Bank page is pR_AP_BANK_ACCT_Generic, therefore this is the value that would be entered in this field while setting up the entry for the Bank page.
Dest Frameset – If a page is made up of multiple frames, this field contains the name of the Java class that makes up the frameset that contains the frames. In most cases, this field is left blank in the system.
Dest Frame – The name of the HTML frame to which the initial transition occurs if a page is made up of multiple frames. This field is only populated if the Dest Frameset field is populated.
Target Frame – The name of the browser window or frame in which the page is displayed when a user clicks navigates to the page from Global Search or Advanced Search. Normally, this field has a value of Display to indicate that the page is displayed in the main display area.
Help Sub Directory – The name of the directory under the main help folder where the HTML help file for this page is stored. The location of the main help folder is identified by the property MainHelpFilesLocation in the system’s default help configurations file (adv__conf/help.conf) for generic purposes.
Help File Name – The actual name of the HTML file that contains the help information for this page. This file is physically located under a help sub directory as discussed above.
Initial Mode – The mode in which the page is displayed when the user accesses this page from Global Search or Advanced Search. The possible values are Query (the page is displayed in query mode), Browse (the page is displayed with data) and Add (a blank record is inserted).
Order By – Indicates the order in which data is sorted on this page when a user accesses the page from the Page Search page. The order is specified in the form of a valid SQL ORDER BY clause without the key word ORDER BY, but can contain the key words ASC or DESC to indicate the direction in which the data must be ordered. Order using database table columns only. For example, DOC_CD DESC indicates that the data has to be sorted by transaction code in descending order.
Where Clause – Indicates the filter that is used to display data on this page when a user accesses the page from the Page Search page. The where clause is specified in the form of a valid SQL WHERE clause without the key word WHERE. Use plain text only, as formatted text can cause SQL errors. Filter using database table columns only. For example, DOC_CD = ‘PO indicates that the data must be filtered to only display Purchase Orders.
Searchable? – Indicates if this page must be accessible from Global Search or Advanced Search. This is required as the information for certain pages is stored in the Application Page Catalog so that help information for this page can be retrieved, but these pages should not be accessed directly from Global Search or Advanced Search and should be accessed through a link on some other page.
Organization Codes subsection – Pages can be secured by entering organizational elements information. For filtering based on organizational authority to be enabled, row level security must be enabled for the data object IN_PAGES. For more information on how to setup row level security for a data object please refer to the "Application Resources" topic in the Security Administration User Guide.
Note: For Order By and Where Clause fields, the APGS setting is not applicable to inquiries that join multiple data sources and includes operations such as summarizing data and functional sorting. Examples of pages that do not support this feature including Employee Pay Rate History (QRTE), Time Transaction Catalog (QTRS), Employee Transaction Catalog (EMPCATLG), Vendor Transaction History (VTH), Deposit Search (DEPSRCH), Trial Balance Inquiry (TBAL), and Shopper (SHOP). The system also ignores the APGS Order By and Where Clause setting on a pick page that uses a query object as a data source. If a page is a pick page, and the pick using this page already specifies the orderBy / additionalWhere property in the page metadata, the orderBy / additionalWhere setting from the page metadata takes precedence over the APGS Order By and Where Clause setting.