Application Specific Business Role

Some sites use Single Sign-On (SSO) to access Advantage. In Advantage 4, there is one login that allows a user to access all parts of Advantage they are authorized (based on Advantage security configuration) to access. The Application Specific Business Role feature allows sites to configure the specific Business Role that should be active when a user logs into Advantage. This feature requires an additional parameter to be passed as part of the URL. The parameter indicates the Advantage application the user is expecting to primarily use when they login. This is linked to new configuration options that have the default Business Role mapped to the primary application. 

Setup required to use this feature:


  2. Setup configuration of Application to Business Role for users accessing this feature. This can be done on the User to Business Role Association page and the LDAP User to Business Role Association page.  This can also be configured on the UDOC and HRDOC transactions. A new tab allows administrators to set up the mapping of Application and Business Role for each user. 

  3. With this feature an additional parameter is introduced to the application URL which defines the application that the user will primarily use when they login. This setup allows the system to activate a specific Advantage Business Role depending on the application in the parameter.

  4. Application URL example: https://<host >/Advantage4?app=adm

The following table shows the additional parameter value for each application.


Additional Parameter

Advantage Administration


Advantage Financial


Advantage HRM


Advantage PB


Advantage VSS
