Attachment Options
The Attachment Options (ATTOPTN) page is a reference page that allows you to control attachment capability for the transactions and pages that it is set up for. You can enable/disable attachments for a specific transaction or a page for a specific Role Type such as employee/manager or other users accessing the page. It also provides additional attachment criteria, such as limiting the size, type, and number of attachments that can be attached, and selecting the Configurable Text (CTEXT) that will be displayed on the attachment pop up page for the transaction or page.
The following fields are available on the ATTOPTN page:
Field |
Description |
Allow Attachment |
This drop-down allows you to specify whether or not attachments are allowed for the indicated resource.
Attachment Size Limit |
Determines the size limit of an attachment uploaded for the indicated resource. This field allows you to specify the size limit (in megabytes) for each attachment for the selected resource page. This field is optional. The Attachment Size cannot exceed the globally defined file size defined for the MaxAttachmentSize parameter in the ADV30Parms.ini file. |
Attachment Types Allowed |
This field allows you to specify the acceptable file types that can be attached to the selected resource page. This field is optional. You can enter multiple valid file type extensions using commas. Allowable/valid types are: TXT, HTM, DOC, PDF, XML, TIFF, XLS, ZIP, DOCX, XLSX, CIF, XLSM, GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, and BMP. If no value is specified, the application uses the AttachmentTypesAllowed parameter in the ADV30Parms.ini file. If any valid types are specified, the application uses configured attachment types to validate the indicated resource. Note: The entered file type must be globally supported by the AttachmentTypesAllowed parameter in the ADV30Parms.ini file. If the specified file type does not correspond with global standards as found in the ADV30Parms.ini file, then an error message is issued. |
Configurable Text |
This optional field allows you to select a Configurable Text (CTEXT) code associated with site configurable instructions regarding how to attach files for the resource page. The CTEXT code must be set up on the CTEXT page. |
Number of Attachments |
This field allows you to specify the number of attachments that can be uploaded per session to the selected resource page. This field is optional. The maximum number of attachments that can be defined in this field is 99. |
Resource Name |
This field allows you to select the attachment resource for which the configuration is to be applied to. This resource list contains entries from the PB application (APGS) Page Codes and application Resource ID of transaction pages and reference tables from other Advantage applications. |
Transaction Department |
Determines the transaction department code for resources that are Transaction pages. This field is not valid for Performance Budgeting. |
Role Type |
This field allows users to set attachment options for a specific Business Role Type. If Employee is selected in the drop down list, then the attachment options specified will be applicable only to the users trying to upload attachments to the selected resource when in an Employee role. If Manager is selected in the drop down list, then the attachment options specified will be applicable only to the users trying to upload attachments to the selected resource when in a Manager role. If there is no Role Type selected then the attachment options are applied to all attachments uploaded for the selected resource irrespective of user role. |