Calendar Date

Every date for a fiscal year is defined on the Calendar Date page. This data is not the calendar functionality found throughout the application, but exists as a defaulting mechanism to give the current accounting period and fiscal year for a given date.

The fields on Calendar Date (CLDT) are as follows:

Field Name

Field Description

Calendar Date

Each date is defined MM/DD/CCYY.

Fiscal Year

The default fiscal year value to be inferred for the calendar date.

Fiscal Period

The default accounting period value to be inferred for the calendar date.


An indication a date is considered a holiday.

Federal/Bank Holiday

An indication a date is considered a federal or bank holiday.


An indication date falls on a weekend.

Billing Month Last Day

An indication date is the last day of a month for billing purposes. The last day of a month that is not a holiday or a weekend usually has this distinction.